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This document is a living document, to be used to arrive at a shared set of guidelines for the Art Services Worker Safety Coalition. Access PDF version here.


The goal of this document is to outline the minimum standards for safety that employees working in the arts industry during the COVID-19 crisis should expect. Because of the evolving nature of the COVID-19 crisis, this document may be updated to reflect the most current recommendations from city, state and federal sources. Nothing in this document is meant to supersede or contradict official recommendations issued through health agencies or other government entities.


Implementation of the safety guidelines below is voluntary, but highly recommended. 






Implement good hygiene and infection control practices, including the following:

  • Distribute self-screening checklist to all employees for home self-screening

  • Actively encourage sick employees to stay home

  • Employees are expected to practice Social Distancing at all times at work:

    • Stay at least 6 feet from other people

    • Do not gather in groups

    • Observe the posted maximum occupancy posted within each space


  • Employees who are sick or caring for someone with a fever must stay home until the following criteria is met:

    • An illness with no fever: stay home until your symptoms improve

    • An illness with a fever stay home and contact your primary care physician

  • Employees who test positive for COVID-19 must follow their personal care provider’s orders for treatment and/or self-isolation

  • When an employee tests positive, company will

  • Notify employees of any potential or confirmed case

    • Employee privacy will be respected- no names will be used in notification

  • Conduct Deep Clean or close facility for 72 hours or as recommended by CDC guidelines

  • Allow for sick leave as determined by state and federal law





  • Obtain all necessary safety supplies - (Supplies to be determined though recommendations from local and state health organizations and the CDC)

  • Prepare PPE Guidelines and Chart

  • Train employees on proper PPE use and how to disinfect surfaces appropriately

  • Ensure no disruption to supply chain for standard materials, find alternative sources as needed

  • Establish safe maximum occupancy for all areas, indicated with clear signage



New procedures and modifications to existing operations will include distancing and PPE practices. Business operations can resume, in phases, only after all supplies and PPE have been procured and all preparations outlined in this plan have been completed.




  • Discourage overcrowding at entry/exit points to facility

  • Close off certain areas of facility when possible, limit or eliminate  employee access to shared surfaces such as time clocks

  • Restrict unnecessary cross traffic through shared work areas (post signage), create one-way traffic flow lanes when possible

  • Managers will stagger employee schedules for shifts and lunch to avoid bottlenecks when possible

  • Alternative procedures will replace current physical interactions between employees for handoffs of objects and in-person communications. 

  • Employees are discouraged from using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment. If unavoidable, employees will disinfect after using another’s equipment

  • Employees who can work from home will be encouraged to do so

  • All employees will wear approved PPE





  • Employees expected to wash hands and adhere to posted hygiene policies

  • Designate visitor only and employee only restroom with signage, where possible



  • Assign doors to be used for entering and exiting only, if possible

  • Employees use of space to occur during scheduled breaks only

  • Ensure space is adequately ventilated

  • Employees will clean and sanitize their area after use



  • Visitors to facility will report to main entrance, will complete self-screening checklist upon arrival 

  • Upon entry, visitors will be escorted to nearest hand washing station or provided with hand sanitizer

  • Visitors will be expected to wear proper PPE and adhere to all posted distance and safety policies



  • Employees will wear proper PPE, when receiving deliveries, including supplies and materials

  • Vendors who assist with unloading materials into facility will be required to wear proper PPE




  • Continue to work from home full time, when possible, with eventual move to rotating days in office

  • Maintain electronic documents when possible, minimize printing

  • Keep personal property at work space, not in common areas

  • Wear approved PPE where appropriate - see PPE Chart for additional guidelines



  • Workstations and Tools

    • Each employee in each department will have their own set of tools

      • These tools will be labeled and kept in the employees personal tool bin/locker

      • Personal tools will NEVER be shared

    • All non-personal tools will be disinfected before and after each use 

    • Each employee will have an assigned workstation, a minimum of 6 feet from each other

    • All employees will wash their hands before and after using their workstation

    • Workstation will be wiped down with approved disinfectant after use

      • If a task requires more than one employee to use a workstation, the employees will use a designated “group” workstation

    • All parties practice social distancing when appropriate and wear approved PPE (face masks and latex or vinyl gloves- no fabric gloves)

    • If social distancing is not appropriate, employees wear both approved PPE and a face shield

    • All employees will wash their hands before and after using the group workstation

    • Workstation will be wiped down with approved disinfectant after use




  • Limit on size of on site crews based on location

  • Engage in preparatory dialogue and clarify PPE expectations with internal departments and clients in advance of measuring, packing and transport appointments to establish proper distancing and safety expectations

  • Maintain social distancing between clients / workers

  • Promote longer on site timeline for pack on sites with fewer workers where possible

  • Non-Transport employees cannot travel with truck to on-sites

  • Employees will carry personal PPE Kit, see PPE chart,  on-site for themselves 

  • For situations that are deemed detrimental to employee safety, company reserves the right to postpone or in the worst case, cancel.

  • See PPE Chart for additional guidelines 



  • Transport Managers will engage in preparatory dialogue with internal departments and clients in advance of measuring, packing and transport appointments to establish proper distancing and safety expectations

  • Assign truckers to the same trucks every day, when possible. Have fixed teams during transitional period, when possible

  • Maximum of two people allowed in the cab of truck. 

  • Maintaining social distancing between clients / truckers. Couriers prohibited in cab of truck- must be in follow car.

  • Refrain from assisting other companies with loading / unloading to limit exposure

  • Open windows in trucks periodically throughout the day to air out cab

  • Disinfect cab with antiseptic wipes thoroughly at the end of each shift. All high contact areas- steering wheel, parking brake, door handles etc should be wiped down. Company devices to be wiped down with alcohol wipes at the end of every shift.

  • One person appointed to handle paperwork all day. No sharing of pens- clients must provide their own writing utensil. Bills of lading can also be scanned and emailed at a later time to acquire signatures.

  • Individual kits for carrying PPE provided for all transport personnel.  Have additional kits on hand in the event that clients/lenders are unprepared. 

  • In the case of collections that require soft wrapping or packing of existing crates, if there is not ample space provided to allow for social distancing, works will be wrapped/packed in the back of our truck.  For collections or deliveries that are deemed detrimental to employee safety, company reserves the right to postpone or in the worst case, cancel.

  • See PPE Chart for Additional Guidelines



  • Updated Policy for physical handoff of objects, paperwork between staff


  • Facilities Use:

    • All outside individuals (registrars, conservators) required to wear appropriate PPE and practice social distancing. 

    • Facilities uses will be approved on a case-by-case basis


  • Receive/Release

    • Warehouse employees must wear PPE when receiving, releasing, screening or operating forklift.

    • Require outside carriers, deliveries, visitors to wear PPE and use their own pens

    • Temporary ban on staff assisting other companies with loading and unloading when possible


  • Exceptions




  • Oversized crates needing level forklift loading, 

  • Inclement weather 

  • High value, sensitive shipments. 


  • In the event that warehouse employees will need to assist inside an outside carrier’s truck, all parties involved will be required to wear approved PPE. If carriers do not have appropriate PPE, company will supply PPE for them (billed to hiring client)


  • In the event that trucks would be required to back into facility, all personnel would be required to have approved PPE. 


  • Screening with Couriers

    • All screening will take place in designated screening area.

    • Prior to screening, area must be cleared to allow adequate space for screening process and social distancing

    • One courier allowed in the designated screening area at a time. 

    • A designated spot will be provided for courier to stand or sit during screening where they have a  full view of crate. 

    • All couriers must have approved PPE and respect social distancing

    • Delivery truck for crates will park on the street until crates are ready to be loaded (post-screening)





  • Conduct remote and in-house training of Managers and Staff prior to resuming operations

  • Signage throughout facility

  • Recurrent training, as needed



  • Client Services Staff to brief clients on safety guidelines in advance of services

  • Provide an agreement regarding safety protocol and expectations prior to job and have the client acknowledge receipt of the agreement. â€‹





Universal Safety Guidelines: version 1, published May 18, 2020

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